Quotation – Airfare

BCAA, Paro invites sealed bids for the supply of airfare as detailed in the below attachment:


Risk Context Writing Workshop

Bhutan Civil Aviation in coordination with Civil Aviation Security Programme- Asia Pacific (CASP-AP) conducted a National Risk Context Statement(RCS) Writing Workshop from 27th – 30th August, 2019.

CASP-AP National RCS workshop is a State-level capacity building exercise and this 4 days interactive workshop was to bring together the key national stakeholders with responsibilities to develop, inform or review the risk assessment, and draw on their knowledge of the operating environment and their understanding of the past events.

To meet the objective of the workshop and to initiate the development of a national RCS, it is very important to have attendees from both the appropriate authority and other government agencies that may have a requirement or be involved in the assessment of threats to the civil aviation.

Relevant officials from the Security Forces, Airlines, RBHSL, DoAT and BCAA attended the workshop.

Courtesy: AVSEC, BCAA

ICAO Indicator (SSP/SMS ) Workshop

BCAA hosted a three day ICAO Indicator Workshop conducted from 05 – 07 August 2019 by COSCAP-SA. The workshop was delivered by the Integrated Aviation Analysis Section of ICAO’s Air Navigation Bureau, Montreal – Canada.

The Workshop was held for the purpose of familiarisation with the process of developing indicators and establishing effective methodology for performance monitoring and management using indicators.

25 Participants from BCAA, DoAT, Drukair, Bhutan Airlines, and RBHSL and  2 Participants from CAA Bangladesh successfully completed the workshop.


Courtesy: ANS Section, BCAA